
Today’ devotion was based on Parenting. I loved this devotion. As a parent, it gets frustrating when everyone tells you to enjoy while it lasts. Yes, each year my child gets a year older, finishes another school year, and continues to grow. Do I know that the time is going fast, oh yes I do. Does it make me sad, in the moment, it makes me sad. I love watching my son grow each day. I love the person he is and the person God wants him to be. When people ask me if I am ready for him to be 9 (in 8 days), my always answer is no. I tell them I am not ready until that day. I want to enjoy each day that he is eight. When he turns nine, then I will be ready for that age.

When I hear parents say they can’t wait for school to start, it drives me bananas. Enjoy every minute of summer vacation, school will start again too soon. Then it is a brand new school year and then one year less before he goes out on his “own”.  When it is time for him to leave, I am going to be sad, absolutely, no doubt, but it will be time and in that moment I will be ready (at least strong enough until he leaves, then I can cry my eyes out, I do this on the first day of school every year ).

I won’t ever forget when he started kindergarten. To me he was so small and not ready, but he was ready. I missed him during the day (and I still do even though he is now about to finish third grade) running errands with me. Sometimes I pull him out of school a little early and just hang out with him.

So to answer the question about time flies, enjoy it while it lasts, is not entirely true. Yes, time flies, but don’t wish it away by can’t waiting for the next stage, for them to go back to school, for them to start walking, start eating without your help, sleeping through the night (I believe I get even less sleep now that he is older than when he was a baby because of how busy life is). Don’t wish it away, enjoy the moment you are in.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 talks about there is a season for everything. Enjoy the season that God has put you in. Make every moment count. Now the, enjoy it while it lasts, the moment is gone, however, the memories of that moment are always a part of you. You and your children will have a memory of that moment. Some are bad memories and even more are good memories. Learn from the bad memories and remember the good. But never live in the bad memories and never live in the good memories. Live in the moment and enjoy!

I love my very almost 9 year old. He is my one and only and I can not have anymore children. I do not want to waste the season he is in for anything in the world. He is a gift that God the Father has given to me.


  1. Loved reading your post! As a new mom to a 4 month old… i find myself getting frustrated some days when she is fussy all day and I get nothing done. So thank you for your words of wisdom! You reminded me that I need to cherish these moments even more than I already do! She is changing daily and I cant get these moments back! I wish I could freeze time for a little while because there is no feeling like your baby sleeping in your arms. So innocent and beautiful! Thanks again for sharing!

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